The Pediatric MSK Pain Impact summary score
The Pediatric Musculoskeletal Pain Impact summary score (Pediatric MSK Pain Impact summary score) is a short instrument (four items) designed to assess the impact of MSK pain on the physical functioning of school-aged children aged 9-12. The brevity of the instrument makes it ideal as a screening questionnaire.
User guide
The Pediatric MSK Pain Impact summary score user guide contain general information about the development and structure of the questionnaire and scoring instructions.
- The Pediatric MSK Pain Impact summary score user guide → under development
Terms and conditions
The Pediatric MSK Pain Impact summary score can be used free of charge for scientific purposes as long as 1) it is used according to the users guide, 2) follow the specifications outlined in the original article, and 3) it is not modified.
Translation and cross-cultural adaptation of the Pediatric MSK Pain Impact summary score
If you wish to translate and cross-culturally adapt the Pediatric MSK Pain Impact summary score into another language, please send a request to Priscilla Viana da Silva on e-mail: Translation and cross-cultural adaptation of the Pediatric MSK Pain Impact summary score uses the English version (see below) and must follow the guidelines outlined by Beaton et al. → abstract.
The following templates have to be filled out during the translation process:
- Pediatric MSK Pain Impact summary score forward translation →
- Pediatric MSK Pain Impact summary score forward translation – synthesis →
- Pediatric MSK Pain Impact summary score backward translation →
- Pediatric MSK Pain Impact summary score backward translation – synthesis →
When translation and cross-cultural adaptation has been completed, we ask that all the documentation and the final translated version are forwarded to Priscilla da Silva.
We collect and publish all translated versions of the Pediatric MSK Pain Impact summary score on this website to avoid multiple translations of the questionnaire in a specific language.
English version → (under development)
This is the English version of the Pediatric MSK Pain Impact summary score.
da Silva P et al. Developing and assessing the measurement properties of an instrument to assess the impact of musculoskeletal pain in children aged 9 to 12—the pediatric musculoskeletal pain impact summary score → abstract